Monday 2 January 2012

Fish Salad

The boiled potatoes pre mashing...

...the fishy mixture!

Our traditional New Year's Eve Fish Salad consists of a quantity of boiled, mashed potato; as many tins of fish (all sorts) as we feel like; chopped pickled silverskin onions and chopped gherkins; tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and whatever else in the way of seasoning that grabs our fancy or is available in the spice cupboard. One year the salad was pretty hot (we use less cayenne pepper now) - it improves with keeping until the next day.

We never know quite how it's going to turn out - but it's always been tasty.

Garnish with hard boiled eggs, prawns, pickled gherkins etc. 

Serve on a bed of lettuce - or not.

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