Sunday 1 January 2012

Banana Cake

This Banana Cake with thick lemon icing... full of mixed peel and walnuts too.

You need:

A 1.5lb loaf tin greased and floured (I use a baking paper loaf/cake case)
8oz self raising flour
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon mixed spice
4oz butter or margarine
1lb ripe bananas
6oz caster sugar
4oz mixed peel
2 oz walnuts chopped
2 large eggs, lightly beaten

For the icing:
4oz sifted icing sugar
juice of half a lemon (approx)
walnut halves
candied orange and lemon slices

  1. Sieve flour, salt and spice into a large bowl
  2. Rub in butter until mixture looks like fine breadcrumbs
  3. Peel and mash bananas
  4. Add bananas and rest of ingredients to the flour and beat well
  5. Pour into prepared tin
  6. Bake at 180 degrees C, 350 degrees F or Gas Mark 4 for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until well risen and golden  (I test with a skewer, if it comes out clean the cake is done.)
  7. Leave in tin for 5 minutes to cool a little before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
  8. When cold mix enough lemon juice with the icing sugar to get a thick, flowing icing. 
  9. Pour over the cake and decorate with walnut halves and the candied orange and lemon slices.
  10. Leave the icing to set
  11. Invite your family or friends round and enjoy with a nice cup of tea!

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