Tuesday 19 April 2011

Messing About on the River

My very first boat trip down the Orwell and up the Stour - yesterday! After a night of dreams about disasters at sea (including strange explosions on the horizon - what did I eat before bed?) I had a wonderful day. Our little old boat felt safe and sturdy - such a relief that it showed no signs of sinking! The sun shone, the tide was particularly high so the mud flats were well-covered in water and the wind was not too strong. It was quite cool and I was glad I'd got a fleece. 

Where the Orwell and the Stour meet at Felixstowe the water became a little choppy but there was no need for a sick-bag (I had some bright green ones just in case). Having a go at driving was fun but not easy, our wheel turns the propellor and we have no rudder so the steering is heavy. 

It was exciting to see the buoys close up (it got very exciting at one point but we avoided a collision), I photographed quite a few. Watching the banks slide by from the middle of each river has given me a new perspective on my locality.  Being on such a small boat is a completely different experience from setting out from Harwich on the ferry. I felt very proud of our little craft. It's not a posh boat but it's ours and I think I'm a little bit in love with the 'Dutchman'.