Friday 23 December 2011

Bring Back the 12 Days of Christmas!

What will you be doing on Boxing Day? Visiting friends or family? Shopping? Taking down the decorations? 

Some houses have been lit up since the beginning of December, major shopping has been going on all month - supermarket car parks have been full, traffic queues frustratingly long - and yet it amazes me that so many people short-change themselves when it come to the Christmas Season. Because that is what it is - a season! Not just two days. 

No wonder so many people feel flat when Christmas is 'over' - all that build up for one, or two days at most. 

There are 12 days of Christmas!!!  I know many of us have to go back to work during those 12 days but we can still keep up our decorations, have friends round and enjoy! Let's not allow commercial interests to cut short our celebrations or the media rush us helter-skelter into 2012. Let's enjoy every single day until 12th night.

Have yourself a merry BIG Christmas now.

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