Tuesday 21 June 2011

New Hatched Chaffinches!

After sitting for about two weeks the female chaffinch has hatched out at least three chicks. I've managed to photograph two of them through our dining room window.

If you look closely you can see two beaks open in the darkness beneath the ivy. In fact the chicks look to be all mouth.

I saw a third beak today but have not yet had time to try for another photo.
Oh, and Dad's shown up, I've seen him once.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Bird Watching

So sweet! A chaffinch has built a nest between the top of a concrete fence post and the fence on our drive. I managed to get some photos today through the dining room window. The nest seems to be made out of moss and is camouflaged by ivy. I park my car beside the fence but this has not deterred this lovely bird.